Midlife in Paradise in 90 Days or Less

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You're starving for travel, fun, adventure and new experiences.

  • Outside you appear to have it all, but you feel unfulfilled, and like your dreams are fading away...

  • You're a high income earner, but each raise means you cost more so you'll be the first one to go...

  • You have dreams to be, do & have more, but it feels like you're slowly dying, little by little, day by day

  • You're afraid you'll work until you drop, not enough income to retire

  • You feel the crush of inflation, always working so hard to make ends meet

  • You're teetering on burnout with stressful work days and lack of control over your professional life

  • You long to retire but lack a big nest egg and aren' sure what comes next...

  • You HAVE a Nest Egg, but now what?

  • You have a Dream, but no time to pursue it or a plan to make it a reality

If you're thinking,"How The Heck Did She Get In My Head?!" keep reading - you're in the right place, mi amigos ;-)

You're thinking



But You

Really Want



  • "How do I even get started with midlife longevity planning?""

  • I don't even know what I want, so how can I ever get it?"

  • "I'm so flippin' busy, I don't know where to find time to work on it"

  • "I still want to work, but do what? I only know it's NOT THIS!"

  • "I know I need to make a drastic life change, but what and how?"


You have LOTS of questions.

It's overwhelming to plan for retirement.

So easy to procrastinate, avoid decisions

and never see your dreams come true.

Without a plan, support or accountability,

it's hard to make any progress at all!


Cambridge Dictionary Definition

RETIRE: to leave your job or stop working due to


Say WHAT?? Who wants that?

I'm Calling B.S.

Don't buy into the HYPE

that you can never retire

because you don't have some arbitrary Magic Number

in your Bank Account.




The New Definition of RICH

isn't about:

Acquiring More STUFF



Financial Status.

The New Rich is the


What you want,

When you want,

Where you want,

with Whom you want,

For as long as you want.

With ENOUGH money to do it.


And that's why I've created

Midlife in Paradise in

90 Days or Less.

You may not move to Paradise in 90 Days (then again you might ;-)

What you WILL HAVE is 100% Clarity - and a step-by-step

CUSTOM Roadmap to YOUR Perfect Paradise.

Perhaps it's NOT retiring, but doing work that Makes a Difference.

You'll Vacation with a Purpose (and know how to write it off).

You'll have 100% Confidence

to do a Beta Test.


You deserve a STEP-BY STEP program that shows you exactly how to achieve your goals and dreams.

We Believe in Saving you Time, energy and Money 

Want to know the best part?



From the comfort of your sofa, office or kitchen table, you just need Internet access.

Our program is completely virtual and digital so you can access it

from anywhere in the world in our private portal.

Never miss a beat: work at your own pace around your busy schedule.

Here's what you'll Find inside

Midlife in ParadisE

VIP Coaching and Consulting

  • Midlife in Paradise in 90 Days or Less Training Modules with an interactive, fillable workbook, exercises, forms, tools and accountability.

  • Midlife in Paradise Roadmap and with Stages, Milestones, Checklists and Resources ($497 Value)

  • 90 day access to Midlife in Paradise Community

    included in enrollment fee ($3000 Value)

  • Weekly Group Consulting/Mastermind Support Calls ($3000 Value)

  • 90 day Email Access to and Support from Dawn

  • Signed copy of Claim Your Dream Life ($25 Value)

  • Claim Your Dream Life Audio Book ($10.00 Value)

  • BONUS #1: Claim Your Dream Life Virtual Coaching Video Series + workbook ($297 Value)

  • BONUS #2: Discounted access to our Midlife in Paradise Community membership ($6000+ Value)

  • VIP BONUS #3: Onboarding 1:1 Assessment & Strategy Call with Dawn ($1500 Value)

  • VIP BONUS #4: How to Protect Your Wealth by Buying Foreign Real Estate Program ($1500 Value)

  • VIP BONUS #5: Next Steps 1:1 Consultation with Dawn to review your roadmap and strategize your next steps. ($1500 Value)

What Our Clients Have to Say:

"We honestly didn’t know what we didn't

know about early retirement."

Mick & Dawn Niess

Sioux Falls, SD

When we started working with Dawn, our initial thought was to retire and move in about 5 years. However, after being in her program and lots of discussions, our timeline quickly shrunk to 2 years, then 18 months - we did it in only 10 months!

- Dawn Niess, Retired Pediatric Oncology Nurse, Seattle,WA

Dawn’s exercises have been thought through and perhaps most importantly, have stimulated and guided conversations with my wife. It has definitely helped us in making positive life choices.

- Mick Niess, Retired Fire Fighter, (now in) Sioux Falls, SD

"It’s Been Life Changing For Us!"

"Dawn's Claim Your Dream Life formula helped me put a solid plan in place.

After a one month "beta test" in Mexico, I met the woman of my dreams. I could never have transitioned so fast and so successfully without her.

My life was completely transformed in just 6 short months!"

- Paul Doane, Retired Law Enforcement, Ontario, Canada

Paul Doane

& Diane Huth

Isla Mujeres, Mexico

"It was the gas for my engine to get off the couch

to change my life and achieve my goals."

Melinda Grant

Alberta, Canada

I met Dawn on the internet and learned her Claim Your Dream Life Formula. I found it awesome. It was the catalyst that I needed to get me going. The financial part was taken care of but we needed a life plan. I'm so glad we found this course.

It was the gas for my engine to get me off the couch and start doing what was necessary to change my life, to work towards my goals and that goal being a dream life in paradise.

- Melinda Grant, Retired Financial Planner, Alberta, Canada

Dawn is a professional at everything she does. From her professional knowledge, to her demeanor, attitude in working with clients new and old alike, her timely responses and in the overall quality of her work. I've been working with Dawn for many years now and I cannot see even looking to work with anyone else. Once you've worked with the best why go anywhere else? 

-Mark Hanlon – Principal Consultant at Hanlon Engineering LLC

Dawn was an excellent mentor and coach. I could count on her to always be looking at ways to provide value to her team as well as prospective clients. A pleasure to work with.

– Dave Stone, Founder/Senior Partner of Red Sky Solutions

It is a pleasure to recommend Dawn as a coach and mentor. I found Dawn always available and supportive in helping others achieve their dreams.

– Mike Shrader, Restaurant & Hospitality Consultant

One year from now you can either be stuck in the same place in your life (and a year older) OR have a solid strategy AND a step by step implementation roadmap to finally Create your Midlife in Paradise!

The ball is completely in your court. You get to choose to mkae your dreams come true or stay stuck in the same place you've been for months or years.

Time waits for no one...

Dawn Fleming

P.S. I hope you know how much I believe in you!

Dawn fleming

Strategic Lifestyle Designer

Dawn Fleming has literally been there and done that, and is now living her very best life. With her husband Tom, she owns and operates a global coaching and consulting company that encourages others to discover their dreams and turn them into reality just like she did. Her Life in Paradise Podcast is ranked in the top 5% of all podcasts. On her show Dawn shares success stories about living in paradise as well as practical advice for listeners seeking to leave their comfort zone and live a dream life.

Dawn and Tom began their own traveling lifestyle in 2010, when after the 2008 crash, they sailed through the Panama Canal from California to Florida and later relocated to Isla Mujeres, Mexico. Originally from Minnesota, Dawn began her career in real estate with success in many facets of the industry. She graduated from Western State University College of Law and specialized in International Business Transactions as a licensed California attorney. She finally found her calling for two decades as a top-earner and mentor to thousands of entrepreneurs, coaching them through the growth of their direct sales home-based businesses before helping others make the rest of their life, the best of their life!

Life in Paradise - All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2024